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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Well, I have been putting this off or quite sometime now. I was deluding myself that I could have monetary gain through this. Yeah right. Who was I kidding anyway? I mean was I really expecting  wide readership overnight? That I would have followers after making this? Honest answer? Yes. I was THAT conceited. I was that self-absorbed that I didn't realize immediately that I was just a nobody in this world of wide web.

And now that the pressure's off, I feel the thoughts flowing freely from my brain to my fingertips (keyboards, y'know). I don't care if the only reader I have is my partner. I'm going to stick to my original purpose creating this blog - to write.

For the longest time, I have been a frustrated writer. I have plenty of thoughts up in my head, stories poems or just musings and what-nots. But everytime I try to put them on paper (or type them, in my case now) everything just goes pfft! Things that seemed witty and interesting suddenly become lackluster when put on paper.

So now, with renewed  conviction (fight!), I SHALL WRITE!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The First

This is my first entry here. This is not my first blog and this is definitely not the first time that I've written something which is not for a school project or anything. The eagle recovers around a mark!